Grass Around Fallen Soldier’s Gravesite Becomes Greener, Leaving Mom Speechless After Learning The Truth
After losing their beloved son and former Airforceman Joseph in an accident, the Villasenor family took the time to visit his grave as often as possible. One day, they noticed something different, though.
The grass was visibly greener around the plot. Little did they know that someone else was looking after their fallen hero.
35-Year-Old Joseph Villasenor

During his life, Joseph Villasenor was a member of the United States Airforce, a loving brother, and a wonderful son.
Sadly, Joseph passed away at the young age of 35 after getting into a car crash in 2010.
A Good And Caring Person

According to Joseph's mother, Rachel, he was a great person who cared deeply for others.
During an interview, she said, "He was a good kid, he loved children, he was really caring with other people."
The Visited Joseph As Often As Possible

Rachel and her husband were beyond themselves with grief. So, they made a point to visit Joseph's grave whenever they had the chance.
One afternoon, though, they noticed something a bit different.
The Grass Was Greener

Rachel and her husband began to notice the grass around their son's grave becoming brighter, greener.
Looking around at the other plots of browning grass, they didn't know what to make of the change.
Maybe It's The Dew?

During an interview, Rachel said, "We noticed his plot was kind of moist, and we were thinking maybe it's the dew, but looking around, Joe's was the only one that had dew on it, and I thought this can't be right."
Rachel was correct in her assessment. It was not dew!
Insert Jake Reissig

Eighty-five-year-old Jake Reissig had been visiting his wife Liz's grave since she passed away in 2014.
Each day, after coffee with his nine children, he would bring Liz's favorite flower, a rose, and put it on her headstone.
He Began Watering The Grass

Jake did more than bring her a rose, though. He noticed the grass around her headstone was browning and becoming crunchy.
So, he began taking the cemetery hose and watering.
He Didn't Want His Wife's Plot To Look Weathered

Watering the grass around his beloved wife's headstone twice a day became the new norm for Jake.
Even though Texas was in a drought, he didn't want Liz's plot to look weathered.
Someone Was Crying

While watering the grass one day, Jake noticed something he had not seen before.
A few plots down, he noticed a young woman kneeling before another headstone. She was crying.
Joseph, A Staff Sergeant In The United States Airforce

Understanding all too well that sort of grief, Jake waited until she left to go over to the plot.
Looking at the headstone, he learned it belonged to a young man named Joseph, who once served as a staff sergeant in the United States Airforce.
The Grass Was Brown And Crunchy

Looking down, Jake noticed the grass around Joseph's plot was also becoming brown and dingy-looking.
It took no time at all for Jake to add another item to his daily to-do list.
He Began Watering Joseph's Plot

Each day when Jake came to water the grass around Liz's plot, he went over to Joseph's, doing the same.
"It was the least I could do for him, you know," Jake said during an interview.
The Family Didn't Know What To Make Of It

It took some time, but eventually, the grass around Joseph's plot began to turn brighter and more green.
Obviously, his family was a bit confused when they saw the grass changing.
No Gardener Was Hired

The Villasenor family didn't know why the grass was becoming healthier. They did not pay for a gardener to come and take care of the plot.
So, it begged the question: how?
Was It A Miracle?

At first, they thought it was some type of miracle that some divine presence was making the grass around Joseph's plot greener.
It wasn't long before they found out the truth.
Someone Was Standing Over Joseph's Grave

One day while visiting Joseph, Rachel saw someone standing over his grave.
She was confused. Not only did she not know the older man, but he had something in his hands -- a hose.
Jake Was The Caregiver

The man was Jake, and Rachel caught him watering her son's grave.
He was the secret caregiver, the angel and miracle worker she wanted nothing more than to thank for his kindness.
"It's Not A Surprise."

According to Jake's son, Roger, he wasn't surprised to learn what his father was doing.
"He's just a giving person," Roger said during an interview. "The way dad treated mom and all of us -- it's not a surprise."
Rachel Still Couldn't Believe It

While it wasn't a huge surprise to Roger to see his father helping out a total stranger and watering the grass, it was certainly a surprise for Rachel and her husband.
They couldn't believe it.
Everyone Was Emotional

Seeing Jake standing over her son's grave and watering the grass, Rachel became very emotional.
She couldn't believe someone would take the time to do something so selfless for a complete stranger.
Rachel Went Up To Meet Jake

Walking up to Jake while he was watering the grass, Rachel introduced herself.
The meeting was one filled with tears and hugs. But, most importantly, a whole lot of gratitude.
Jake Asked Rachel If She Wanted To Take Over

After hugging Jake and thanking him for his kindness, Jake surprised them one more time.
He turned to Rachel and asked her, "Do you want to water it?" handing her the hose.
Rachel Began Watering The Grass

With tears in her eyes, Rachel took the hose from Jake and began watering her son's plot.
Still, she couldn't believe Jake had taken the time to do something for her son.
"It Was Just Incredible..."

Rachel couldn't believe it.
During an interview, she said, "It was just incredible to know that a stranger would take that much time and care for our son who he didn't even know."
They're Not Strangers

According to Jake, though, he and Joseph were not strangers. At least, not in the typical sense.
While they didn't know each other in life, Jake would speak to the fallen soldier each time he watered the grass.
Rachel Didn't Know What To Say

Even so, Rachel and her husband were at a loss for words. They didn't know how to repay Jake.
According to Jake's son, Roger, "They couldn't believe a stranger would do that for him."
Something So Simple

Even though they couldn't believe Jake would do something so simple as water the grass around their son's grave, he did.
It was something so small and simple that made all of the difference for Joseph's parents.
Roger Shared The Story On Social Media

After seeing what his father did for Joseph, Roger decided to go to social media.
He wanted other people to see how a simple act of kindness can mean the world to a stranger.
The Story Went Viral

Roger posted his father's story and even a picture of him watering his wife's and Joseph's plots.
The story went viral with people having nothing but nice things to say.
People Had Nothing But Kind Words To Say

One person wrote, "What a beautiful tribute," while another went ahead and wrote, "Your mom and dad's romance is not over."
Roger couldn't be more proud of his dad for helping a family who was grieving. With his small act, Jake made their trips to the cemetery a bit brighter.